San Bruno Mountain Conference Hikes
After the April 19 Conference

Unless stated otherwise, the hikes will start at 10 AM and end around 2 or 3 pm. Bring a lunch, water, and be prepared for both hot sunny weather and cold, foggy weather. San Bruno Mountain weather can change on a dime!

Sign up for these hikes at the Conference, on a first come, first served basis.


Saturday, April 25

Doug Allshouse, Ridge Trail, 15 hikers max. Meet at the upper parking lot, 10 am.

Ariel Cherbowsky, Buckeye and Owl Canyons, 15 max, meet at ___ at 10 am.

David Schooley, Owl and Buckey Canyons, 15 max, , meet at ___ at 10 am. (the same trail but in the opposite direction)

Sunday, April 26


Saturday, May 2 (Note: this is also the day of the Mountain Watch Gala)

Sam Herzberg & Hannah Ormshaw, Saddle, 2 mile hike round-trip, easy hike; meet at main parking lot behind the Ranger kiosk, 10 am.

Gorse Eradication, Colma Creek Restoration, Scrub Control, and County Park Stewardship of State Park Lands at San Bruno Mountain State and County Park  

Sam Herzberg was the original HCP Manager who oversaw the creation of the Park; Hannah is the Natural Resource Manager for San Mateo County Parks and the current HCP Manager. Together, they have incredible information about the Park from a management perspective.

This hike will follow the Saddle Trail from the main entrance to the Gorse Eradication project on the eastern side of State Park lands, and discuss the Colma Creek Restoration and Gorse Eradication treatments used to eradicate 49 acres of gorse on the eastern portion of the property and preserve remaining high quality butterfly habitat for our rare and protected butterfly species.  The hike will continue to the Ed Boccaccio Day Camp area where the group will lunch and discuss future non-native plant eradication efforts with funding associated with a new Operating Agreement between State and County Parks.  The hike will continue through the Colma Creek and Bog Trail Restoration project sites.   The terrain would be easy for a senior to hike with two opportunities for restrooms at two locations.  We would start at 10:00 and likely finish around 1:30 and possibly 2:00 if there is a lot of discussion.

Sunday, May 3

Ann Kircher and Margo Bors, Summit Loop Trail 3.5 miles roundtrip; hike steep at the beginning, then gradually downhill in the second half.  

We will be discussing native and non-native plant identifications; habitat discussions—grassland, native scrub, north side canyons, west slope, with an emphasis on the effects of physical factors on plant distributions.  If time permits: a discussion of the effects of non-native invasive plants on native vegetation and actions that can be taken to reduce these effects, the benefit of fire, the question of grazing on the mountain, restoration activities by San Mateo County and San Bruno Mountain Watch, the importance of protecting and expanding native grasslands.  I would also be interested in training people to use iNaturalist, and describing its relevance.  Limit 15 people.  Bring a lunch, water, and a small notebook which will fit in your pocket to write in.   We will meet at the middle parking lot, just past the Guadalupe underpass.

Hanna Ormshaw, Hillside-Juncus.

Hannah is the Natural Resource Manager for San Mateo County Parks, and the Habitat Conservation Plan Manager. Along with hiking the Hillside-Juncus Trail, discussion will include management challenges, management priorities, habitat enhancement efforts, butterfly habitat characteristics , and volunteer stewardship. We will meet …